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History & Nostalgia of Rutland Ranch

For 29 years, we held an Annual Rutland Ranch Production Sale, auctioning between 120 to 150 weanling colts we raised each year. Sales of the early '80s fetched average prices of around $3,000 per colt. People from all across the U.S. and Canada attended these sales held at the ranch in what Guy Ray referred to as the "Barn that Pacific Bailey built". This mare motel is literally larger than a football field with 148 stalls (16'x16').

Pacific Bailey winning the Ozark Futurity, outrunning Cee Bar Deck, Bird Man and Suwanee Bars. All three of those qualified for the All American Futurity that year.


Jockey Cliff Rutland "down and riding". Before Cliff's first match race at the age of 10, he would warm up Gold KIng Bailey in his stock saddle, Guy Ray would get the bets made and then behind the gates they would switched saddles and put a jockey up. Good ol' match racing days! "Out smart, out wit, out play",the theme of the TV show Survivor. Seems familiar.

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Jumbo Pacific si 105 Multiple Stakes Winner, AQHA
Superior Race Horse, $224,562 with 13 wins, Runner-up for AQHA Two Year old Running Gelding. Owner: Albert Hogoboom (pictured ponying), Trainer: Joe Thomas, Jockey: Henry Wiley (pictured)


Owner/Trainer Guy Ray Rutland and Jockey Joe Thomas. Yes, that's right. The Joe Thomas that went on to train many top notch race horses. He and Cliff used to play together as kids in Okemah, Oklahoma.

Becky Rutland (and Guy Ray) winning the Dinner Bell Derby in Pawhuska, Okla. Do we really need to have jockeys???


Gold King Bailey with Willie Hunt in the irons. Willie is the father of Billy Hunt (won All American on Special Effort), Jimmy, David and Sue - all making their livelihoods in the horse racing industry. Willie is trainer Charlie Hunt's brother

Pacific Dan si 104 1974 Champion Quarter Running Three Year Old Gelding, set six new track records, Multiple Stakes Winner with 29 wins,11 seconds, 7 thirds from 57 starts, also stood Grand Champion at Halter.  Owner/Trainer: Gene Herrin, Jockey: Jerry Dailey, Asst. trainer: Bud Partridge (also pictured)

The Rutland family and King's Ike AA, which turned out to be Cliff's pony horse that the two year olds were tested with. If they could outwork Ike on their first or second work, they were probably going to make a race horse. That's Jerry Burgess (won the All American Futurity) in the irons.


Guy Ray, Cliff and Russel Nash with Gold King Bailey. That's Dee Garret (from Pawhuska) walking up the track in the background. He wasn't very happy King had outrun him that day.

Kansas Quarter Horse Racing Association Board of Directors that were instrumental in the passage of parimutuel in Kansas.

Front row L to R: Don Baldwin, Quinby Demmit, Ray Baldwin, Lynn Braden, Dave Tolle, Elwood Jones.

Middle rows L to R: Gordon Crone, Joe Linot, George Blatchford, Rex Childs, George Adkins, Harry Leatherman, Guy Ray Rutland, Dick Teichgraeber.

Back Row L to R: John Mast, Arlen Mitchell, Brad Tate, Albert Hogoboom, Candy Anderson, Bob Warren.
Al Becker - not pictured.

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