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We have several young
horses for sale at all times.  Contact us


Thank you for taking a look at our horses. We hope we can help you find something that will suit your needs.

With racing coming back to Kansas soon, all these foals will be eligible for restricted Kansas Bred races and the big purse supplements. Don't miss out on the chance to own one these.


Folks, I just can't say enough about these Painted Dash foals! They remind me of the big, stout Pacific Bailey foals we used to raise. They are straight legged, have huge hips and stifle muscles, good long sloping shoulders and a deep heart girth that's going to give them a really long stride. These foals will be able to do it all!  Sons of PYC Paint Your Wagon are siring winners both at the racetracks and in the arena ... and none bred any better than Painted Dash.

You'll find little disagreement that Guy Ray Rutland was truly one of the best horsemen  in the history of the quarter horse industry. He worked a lifetime to breed and raise horses that he knew people NEEDED. Sometimes, that doesn't necessarily coincide with what people WANTED. Over the past thirty years, breeders have been persuaded to breed for the commercial, and more specialized, market. The all-around horse that could succeed in several disciplines was no longer what people wanted. But we here at Rutland Ranch have maintained that nucleus of  bloodlines that Guy Ray worked so hard to achieve that can "do it all". A program based on success and we still have those bloodlines working for us while bringing in some of the finest modern sire lines of today. A horseman understands the reason for that correct conformation, long hip, strong gaskin and stifle muscles and long sloping shoulders. They stay sound while being some super athletes.


I honestly believe these will prove to be some of the fastest horses, both for the racetrack and in the arena, that you can find ... anywhere! AND THEY HAVE LOTS OF BRAINS!

They are, by far, the easiest colts to halter break that we
                                 have ever had!
When you look at Painted Dash's pedigree that we've crossed on top of Guy Ray Rutland's lifetime of breeding, you'll want to remember the day you had a chance to buy one. You'll be excited when you see them.
        It will be worth your time to come and take a look.

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